Battery powered mobile x-ray unit featuring the digital detector and integrated acquisition station.The Rable B DR suits a wide range of clinical applications. Its compact size and integrated motor makes the unit movement smooth and precise. Thanks to its swivelling column and its telescopic tube arm in option, it is able to easily move even in the hospital’s smaller rooms. For precise positioning, motor assisted fine positioning adjustment are possible from the tube head and the entire unit moves milimeter by milimeter.
The unit runs on its own at the speed that is most convenient to the operator, it easily masters obstacles and inclines and it can be stopped by simply releasing the handle (dead man brake).
The long life battery gives the operator a whole day of full movements and application without the need to recharge.
The Rafle B is also available in an analogic version.
Designed to be used in the smallest departments (bed confined patients) and be moved in narrow corridors or compact elevator spaces. In addition to routine radiography exams, the Rafle EV30 is perfectly suited for pediatric exams. It possess a counter-balanced arm and light beam diaphragm for smooth and precise adjustment as well as a rotating anode double focusx-ray tube.